Kondapalli is small village in Andhra Pradesh, with a 400 year old tradition of crafting toys. The artisans who make the toys are known as Nakarshalu and claim their origin to Muktharishi, a sage endowed with skills in arts and crafts by Lord Shiva.

The toys are made from a sustainable source of soft wood known as Tella Poniki found near Kondapalli. Each piece of the toy is carved out by hand, then a paste of tamarind seed powder & sawdust is used to join pieces together and finished with vegetable dyes or enamel paint based on the type of the toys. The artisans mainly work on producing figures of mythology, animals, birds, bullock carts, rural life.

Maha Raj Elephant
Maha Raj Elephant
Village Farmer Set
Village Farmer Set
Kid Ganesha
Kid Ganesha
Kumkum Box Lady
Kumkum Box Lady
Pongal Kitchen
Pongal Kitchen
Krishna Kid
Krishna Kid
Dashavatar - 10 Avatars of Vishnu
Dashavatar - 10 Avatars of Vishnu

Matsya; Kurma; Varaha; Narasimha; Vamana; Parashurama; Rama; Krishna; Buddha and Kalki.

The concept of Dashavataras is reflective of modern Darwinian evolution; as a description of the evolution of  mankind and consciousness.

Narayana swami doll
Narayana swami doll
Working Lady
Working Lady
Rama chiluka set
Rama chiluka set
Laughing women`
Laughing women`
Venkateswara swami (standing)
Venkateswara swami (standing)
Mother - Baby Bath
Mother - Baby Bath
Huts - The Ancient Homes
Huts - The Ancient Homes
Nandi - The Kumkuma Barini
Nandi - The Kumkuma Barini

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